Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day (minus) 1

Well, I've had a Ki Fit armband for a few months now and have played with the system and attempted to use properly.

For reference - I'm not associated with Ki Fit in any way, just stumbled across the gadget, read about it and then bought a unused one from eBay. Signed up for a subscription and played.

Inspired to use it more I signed up to one of their diet programmes in the New Year - which has been extremely useful, but I still haven't been fully committed - mostly due to work getting in the way (being in hotels isn't the best thing for healthy eating!).

I also find the fact that you can't log any comments onto the online tracker a bit of a pain. I need somewhere to log why I ate over my calories, how I managed to burn so many calories on one day and so few on another... the blog is the answer.

After finding MsKays blog - 100 days seemed a sensible challenge.... so hence the (100 days at least blog title!)

Being away and not being able to connect the armband was also a problem so I got a display that I can take with me and that has definitely helped over the last week.

SO... let's get the nasty stats up on the board shall we...

Weight: 79.1 Kg
Loss to date: 1.1 Kg
Target Weight:

This week:
Target Calories per Day - Consume: 1550
Target Calories per Day - Burn: 2650
Target Steps per Day: 10000

I've reviewed the settings above increased the steps etc.

Just need to ensure I accurately log EVERYTHING as haven't been convinced I have been!

So here's to the next 100 days!

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