Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 2

Tuesdays are always worst for any efforts at healthy eating. Normally have a 130mile drive up to Scunthorpe and an overnighter in a hotel.

Today no hotel, but a day out a major customer meant 150 miles of driving and a pub lunch with colleagues between meetings.

I figured I'd swap my main dinner for lunch and then keep an eye on the calories that way.

Home not too late and another wrap up against the -1 temps and out the door for a short walk around the village to make up any deficit. Put on an extra pair of shorts tonight under the leggings as thighs got rather chilly and had a nice red glow when I got home yesterday! Still slightly chilly but much better.

I'm wondering about the usefulness of activity targets. The moderate levels seem rather low and I keep meeting those by around 10am each day. So might need to tweak those.

I'm a bit peeved that when I reset my programmes at the weekend I somehow managed to reset my weight loss - so kifit shows 0kg, when it was at 1.1... Grrrr... but guess that will give me a figure for the 100 days - the joy of the subconscious!

Below is a screen dump from yesterday:

Deficit from yesterday is a bit high, combined with todays food, might explain why I'm so hungry this evening. Will see what tomorrow brings!

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