Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 1

Well.... One word to sum up week 1 - GUTTED!!!!

The stats above look good don't they... Slightly over on Consumed, slightly under on burned... but nothing major... Steps a huge increase on previous weeks...

BUT the outcome to the weight.. 0.4kg increase! Yup the weight has gone up!!!

Now I know it can increase when you increase exercise - but really?!?!?

I wonder if I've not eaten enough this week. Was under 1400cals a couple of days and know I shouldn't do that. Also have been playing around with different foods... increasing the fruit etc....

Next step is to reduce the fat levels... but surely cals in vs cals out should be the same regardless of what they are.. Grrr....

Week two ahoy!

1 comment:

  1. Don't Panic! This kind of thing has happened to me lots, and the number on the scales can be up for so many reasons (as I'm sure you know). Keep concentrating on your ki-fit stats and the loss will show up next week or even later.
