Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 2

So last week I was gutted, this week I'm PISSED OFF!

So last week I put on 0.4kg, this week 0.5kg - HOW?!?!?

I've stuck to plan (even weighing and measuring to check my portion sizes), upped my step targets and moderate exercise targets...

BUT compared to last week

....Deficits still there, but the snow has obviously effected the step count and exercise, and even me starting back at the gym at the end of last week - hasn't helped much.. *sulks*

Nutrition stats are better though:

Last week:
This week:
That looks better!

SO I've fed this data back into the system and a whole new set of targets for next week, interestingly when I was only playing with the system, eating more and exercising less I was losing 0.1 - 0.2 kg a week, so hopefully the increase in calories will back up my thoughts last week that I'm not eating enough....

Right - another week - here we come... I will try NOT to get despondent! A day off the diet tomorrow evening too... It's valentine's day tomorrow and we've off to one of our favourite Bistro pubs for dinner and I refuse to stress about the calories. I'll log everything and see from there....

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